It's Monday. Day 1 of Week 10. 9 more days of Summer Intensive left. Graduation is on Friday, Aug. 14th. The summer has just flown by!
My final project is at the printers. I will spend the weekend getting it ready for its debut on Wed., Aug 12.
Can't wait to see my classmates' work. Everyone here is so talented. And, so willing to lend a hand or ear if you have a problem.
I'm already starting to think about the things I will miss when I leave Missoula -- Doc's cookies (made fresh everyday by John), Eric's famous hot chocolate, the quarry, hanging out on the bank steps before class, Forest and Forest helping out in lab and studio, my classmates, the instructors - especially Neil!, the time to be totally immersed in something I love without many other real-life responsibilities like cleaning house, grocery shopping, etc., the beautiful mountain scenery that's 360 degrees all around me here in Missoula.
It's time to start thinking about what comes next for me. I'm thinking of an assistant's job or maybe a job in a frame shop. I need to have a little income while I ramp up my photo business. I'm excited and at the same time hesitant to take that first step off on my own without my built-in support network here in Missoula. I know I'll be fine and successful, it's just getting that first step/job under my belt.
Here's a photo taken at last weekend's Farmer's Market.