Thursday, October 29, 2009

Enjoyed a beautiful fall day shooting family photos with some friends of mine.
Fall's colors are waning, but it was a glorious 60 degree day nonetheless.
This is little Kaylen..she really enjoyed the park.
The barn is part of the park.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another beautiful fall day in Kansas. It started out sunny and breezy and turned
to thunderstormy, but still warm for fall - about 60 degrees. After the rain, the
air smelled so fresh and clean. I love raindrops on a tin roof and big bowls of hot soup for dinner.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Two weeks since my last post...enjoying the beautiful fall colors here in the Midwest. Having lots of rain. A challenge when it comes to photography and electronic equipment.

Going to a Visual Arts group meeting tonight to see if it's something I want to join. Joined a photography club..lots of nice people who also love to shoot and love outings to do so.

This photos was taken in the National Cemetary at Leavenworth Kansas. It was breathtakingly beautiful yesterday.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The day started out dreary, but by afternoon the sun was shining brightly.
It's still cold.
Received a catalog and a magazine in the mail today. I had photos published in both.
Wahoo!!! Now I'm an award winning and published photographer.
Now all I have to do is work on motivation and inspiration.
The cats now run when I pick up my camera!

Fall is quickly turning to almost winter...temperatures here more than 20 degrees BELOW normal. Torrential rain soaked more than once doing errands.
Today is overcast, windy and in the 40's. I'm looking for inspiration. Instead of hybernating like I'm prone to do, I need to find some excitement. My classmates from
RMSP are about to enter their final week of Advanced Studies. Do wish I'd spent the last 6 weeks with them in Missoula.

The photo is of a Locust tree (don't you love the thorns!) that grow in my neck of the woods. The fall colored leaves are impaled on the thorns.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Continued fall weather here...very cool days (60's) and 40 degree nights. I'll have to bring my patio plants in soon. Am in a rut as far as shooting goes. A couple of nice sunsets and a few trips to the Arboretum. I need to break out of the box. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. Maybe I'll get inspired..